My Obsession. Books!

NO,not the latest from romantic queen of suspense, Nora Roberts or hot new memoir from the “it” celebrity.

Books on design,typography,photography,printmaking,pottery,illustration,sculpture,architecture…STOP!

I promise to stop walking into every,YES every, bookstore I pass.

I promise to stop reporting on the latest book review about the subjects I love.

WAIT! I saw a review in The New York Times so I want to share ONE MORE book find before I cross my heart to these promises.

The Ladies of Letterpress. This new book features the best work of the members of Ladies of Letterpress, an international organization that champions the work of women printers. And,it is a wonderful printing resourse.

This is what Amazon has to say about this $40 gallery of prints: “Valuable as a handy resource, it includes a wide range of pieces, from greeting cards to broadsides and posters, printed in a variety of type and illustration styles. Each piece is accompanied by details of paper, inks, and press used in its printing, and a profile of its printer. Whether you’re drawn to elegant greeting cards, humorous note cards, or calendars and posters, you’re sure to find inspiration in this volume. And when you do, there are eighty detachable pages just begging to be pinned up.”

For more info on this book and letterpress here are a few links from The New York Times and others:

Book Info:
The Ladies of Letterpress
A Gallery of Prints with 80 Removable Posters
Jessica White, Kseniya Thomas
ISBN 9781616892739
Publication date 04/21/2015
11 x 14 inches (27.9 x 35.6 cm), Paperback
192 pages, 350 color illustrations
Missive’s “Flamingo” by LisaWillis
Concrete Lace’s
Concrete Lace’s “Eating Seasonally” print by Katie Daniels
Joey Hannaford’s
Joey Hannaford’s “Converge II” by Joey Hannaford

Illuminations: Process for Old Traditions from a Contemporary Artist

February 6 through May 3, 2015  | Hebrew Illumination for Our Time

The Art of Barbara Wolff offers startling illuminations—recent gifts to the Morgan—created by this contemporary artist. The ten folios of “You Renew the Face of the Earth” illustrate passages from Hebrew Psalm 104, a celebration of all creation, with images illuminated in silver, gold, and platinum foils.

In the seventeen bi-folios comprising the Rose Haggadah, Wolff, while rooted in the tradition of illustrated Haggadot, presents a modern interpretation of the texts used at the Passover Seder.

THE VIDEO OF THE EXHIBITION: In a 22-minute video Wolff discusses her process from her love of doing research, to choosing paper and paint, to a painting demonstration of her illustrations.



INFORMATION: The Morgan Library & Museum | 225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street | NYC

Hours: The Morgan Library & Museum and the Morgan Shop are open

Tuesday through Thursday: 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Friday: 10:30 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Saturday: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Sunday: 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Admission is free on Fridays from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. | Other: $12 Students (with current ID)

Beyond the Origami Crane

My memory was jogged yesterday evening when Angelica Anatole presented her art book project.
It reminded me of a documentary I saw a few years ago called BETWEEN THE FOLDS -The Science of Art | the Art of Science. It aired on PBS stations 2008.
Promotion and CD cover design
Promotion and CD cover design

The film showcases a cast of fine artists and eccentric scientists (from MIT and NASA) who have devoted their lives to the unlikely medium of modern origami. Through their determination to reinterpret the world in paper, they arouse a fascinating mix of sensibilities towards art, form, expressiveness, creativity and meaning.  Directed by Vanessa Gould, the film received a 2010 Peabody Award.

Notable origami artists featured in the film include Erik and Martin Demaine, Tom Hull, Éric Joisel, Satoshi Kamiya, Robert J. Lang, and Akira Yoshizawase…and more.

Paper sculpture demo from the film
Paper sculpture demo from the film.
A detail from an folded art sculpture shown in the film.
A detail from a folded art sculpture shown in the film.

This documentary is available from NetFlix and others but here is a link for your pleasure. Enjoy!

More Book Binding Inspiration

While looking up various book binding inspirations and ideas, I found this blog that shows various books and the different papers and covers and flourishes we can incorporate. The first half of the blog talks about paper making, which, although not relevant to our current project, was still very interesting. While some of it may be extreme, I wouldn’t put it passed any one of us to pull one of these off. I especially like the use of the gold leaf incorporated in the cover. I have attached the link as well as some images from the blog:

embossingclassF embossingclassH embossingclassG embossingclassE embossingclass2 sam8

Book Binding Resources

Books are probably my favorite things. Even though, I read my Kindle most of the time. But, there’s something about them. Is it the cover? The sound of the pages? Who knows. All I know is I really like looking at all of the beautiful pictures. If there aren’t any pictures I find type with sound and that is legible to be most enjoyable. My love for books also peeked my interest in book binding. But, I never got around to doing it. Luckily, this semester we got to learn how! So, on with the resources.

For research, I suggest heading to Barnes & Nobles. They have tons of books on book binding. In addition, Paper Source (my favorite card store) has a section dedicated just to book binding. They will also give you tips and techniques. The staff there is quite knowledgable. I have not been to Talas yet. But, I have ordered a variety of different threads from their website. The great thing about Talas is that the shipping is very fast. Blick on 18th and 6th Avenue also has some supplies and a variety of papers. I was so excited about the book binding project I ended up buying a couple books on the process. I recommend How to Make Books (by Esther K. Smith)! This book has a ton of tutorials and nice pictures. The school library also has a book binding section on the first floor. Well, happy Book Binding!

Mohawk Fine Papers

I found this really great resource for paper supplies. Their website is very comprehensive, and they even have a section that specifically caters to designers. For those who are interested, you can subscribe to their “sample club,” which charges an annual fee of $79.99 but sends you a “box of curated goodies” (e.g. latest swatchbooks, printed works, discounts from partners, special gifts, etc.) on a quarterly basis.


Bookbinding Resources

Just wanted to share a great resource I found regarding book binding. I was searching the internet to see if I could find any hard copy instructions of the stitches we did in class, just as a reminder. I came across this awesome website called – if you can guess its actually a bookbinding school/museum located in Brooklyn. I was able to find the stitches we learnt in class, and many more!

Check it out!