“Pacino”! Sells the Poster? Who Sells the Play?

29DOLLPOSTER1-blog427 “The advertising agency Serino/Coyne created a muscular poster design for the sex-and-power drama about a wealthy businessman (Mr. Pacino), his fiancée and a phone call that upends their lives. It’s a bold treatment that features the sinewy back of a pricey-looking jet, above. Mr. Pacino’s name and the show’s title are rendered in clean, oversize block letters that change colors as they overlap the jet’s tail”.

See five more sample designs (all rejected designs) as well as read more of the NY Times article about the design process to promote this Broadway show that is scheduled to open in February 2016.

SECTION: THEATER “China Doll”: An Image Ready for Take Off | The New York Times | November 25,2015 |

http://www.nytimes.com/2015/11/29/theater/selling-china-doll-the-art-of-choosing-the-art.html?ribbon-ad-idx=5&rref=arts/design&module=Ribbon&version=origin&region=Header&action=click&contentCollection=Art%20%26%20Design&pgtype=article Continue reading “Pacino”! Sells the Poster? Who Sells the Play?