Punk Rock Art in the Raw!

This collection of work is art,illustration,typography – design – in the raw. Take a look at this newly published book, WHITE GLOVE TEST : LOUISVILLE PUNK FLYERS 1978 -1994 (DragCity $40), when you buy your next cup of Starbucks at your local Barns & Noble bookstore.
Here is a sneak-peek from The New York Times article if you don’t get a chance to view it “live”…
Celebrating The Lost Art of Flyers The Through the Lens of the Louisville Punk Music Scene
“Gone are the days when all a person needed to disseminate information were some paper, markers, a glue stick and a stapler — along with the required telephone poles on which to attach the resultant flyers…”
read more: 
From left:
From left: “No Fun in Vogue,” 1978; “Ideals of Order (Your Food and Falconetti),” 1983; “Kinghorse (and Endpoint) Descend,” 1989.
Also, The Kentucky Museum of Art and Craft has an exhibit up until May 10th displaying some of the flyers.
Here is a link to view some more Punk Art: http://www.kmacmuseum.org/#!white-glove-test/c8o8