Bruno Munari | Design as Art

Munari_Books Here are a few of Munari’s wonderful books that show his use of paper, page relationships, color, and flow.

About Bruno Munari: was an Italian artist and designer, who contributed fundamentals in many fields of visual arts (paint, sculpture, film, industrial design, graphic, books) and non visual arts (literature, poetry, didactic) with the research on the game subject, infancy and creativity.

I was lucky to spend three course hours with Bruno Munari during my design studies at Parsons in 1966. Munari was a visiting professor at Yale and a friend of Emil Antonucci who taught Graphic Design at Parsons – the course Mr. Munari came to. He proceeded to pass out to the class white tissue paper and red thread. Scissors and needles to follow. We were making books. It was a surprise to all of the class.  Munari did not speak English but with hand gestures and demonstrations we made books. – CSZ

2 thoughts on “Bruno Munari | Design as Art”

  1. His children’s book, The Circus in the Mist was a library discard when I purchased it for a dime.
    It is such a beautiful use of translucent paper.

    If you google image his name, it’s an explosion of color and inspiration.

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